2.7. Import expression profiles for 4 GBM subtypes

Now overlay average gene expressions in GBM patients of 4 subtypes onto the GBM-altered network.

  • Select the original GBM-altered network tab named tcga_gbm_edges.
  • Select Window ‣ Heat Map.
  • In the just opened Heat Map window, click the Load heatmap data... label.
  • In the Import dialog,

    1. Choose tcga_gbm_exp_subtypes.csv file to import.
    2. Make sure that Key column to map is hgnc_symbol.
    3. Be sure to check First line in the file contains header names.
    4. Click the OK button.
  • Now your screen looks like the following:

  • In the bottom panel of application,
    • Drag the slider tick to Mesenchymal to see average expressions in patients of mesenchymal subtype.
    • You can switch subtypes automatically to see animated pictures by clicking play-icon button.


You can clear the heatmap and mapped colors in the network by clicking clear-icon button in the Heat Map window.